Uncle Deadly Image

Hi there. Welcome to blog.oddbit.com! I post articles here on a variety of technical topics. Mostly I’m posting for myself (writing things up helps me remember them in the future), but I always hope the content I put here is helpful to someone else. If you find something here useful and want to say thanks, feel free to buy me a coffee!

OpenShift and CNV: MAC address management in CNV 2.4

This is part of a series of posts about my experience working with OpenShift and CNV. In this post, I’ll look at how the recently released CNV 2.4 resolves some issues in managing virtual machines that are attached directly to local layer 2 networks In an earlier post, I discussed some issues around the management of virtual machine MAC addresses in CNV 2.3: in particular, that virtual machines are assigned a random MAC address not just at creation time but every time they boot.
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OpenShift and CNV: Exposing virtualized services

This is the second in a series of posts about my experience working with OpenShift and CNV. In this post, I’ll be taking a look at how to expose services on a virtual machine once you’ve git it up and running. TL;DR Overview Connectivity options Direct attachment Using an OpenShift Service Exposing services on NodePorts Exposing services on cluster external IPso Exposing services using a LoadBalancer TL;DR Networking seems to be a weak area for CNV right now.
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OpenShift and CNV: Installer network requirements

This is the first in a series of posts about my experience working with OpenShift and CNV (“Container Native Virtualization”, a technology that allows you to use OpenShift to manage virtualized workloads in addition to the containerized workloads for which OpenShift is known). In this post, I’ll be taking a look at the installation experience, and in particular at how restrictions in our local environment interacted with the network requirements of the installer.
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You can’t get an N95 mask: Now what?

You can't get an N95 mask: Now what?
[This is a guest post by my partner Alexandra van Geel.] TL;DR Hello everyone! The Basics: Masks vs. Respirators Question: What makes a good mask? Commercially available options The O2 Canada Curve Respirator The Vogmask valveless mask Some tips about comfort References Disclaimer: I am not an expert, just a private individual summarizing available information. Please correct me if I’ve gotten something wrong. TL;DR I suggest: (a) the Vogmask valveless mask or (b) the O2 Canada Curve Respirator.
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Grove Beginner Kit for Arduino (part 2): First look

The folks at Seeed Studio were kind enough to send me a Grove Beginner Kit for Arduino for review. That’s a mouthful of a name for a compact little kit! The Grove Beginner Kit for Arduino (henceforth “the Kit”, because ain’t nobody got time to type that out more than a few times in a single article) is about 8.5 x 5 x 1 inches. Closed, you could fit two of them on a piece of 8.
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