I recently added some scripts to automatically generate tag feeds for my blog when pushing new content. I’m using GitHub Pages to publish everything, so it seemed easiest to make tag generation part of a pre-push hook (new in Git 1.8.2). This hook is run automatically as part of the git push operation, so it’s the perfect place to insert generated content that must be kept in sync with posts on the blog.

Keeping things in sync

The _posts directory of my blog is a git submodule, which means it gets updated and pushed asynchronously with respect to the main repository. We want to make sure that we don’t regenerate the tag feeds if there are either uncomitted changes in _posts or if there are unpushed changes in _posts: in either situation, we could generate a tag feed for tags that weren’t actually used in any published posts.

The following checks for any uncomitted changes in _posts:

if ! git diff-files --quiet _posts; then
  echo "posts are out of sync (skipping tag maintenance)"
  exit 0

This will abort the tag feed generation if any of the following is true:

  • _posts has uncomitted changes
  • _posts has new, untracked content
  • _posts is at a revision that differs from the last comitted revision in the parent repository.

This still leaves one possible failure mode: if we commit all changes in _posts, and then commit the updated _posts revision in the parent repository, all of the previous checks will pass…but since we haven’t pushed the _posts repository, we could still be pushing tags that don’t match up with published posts.

The following check will prevent this situation by checking if the repository differs from the upstream branch:

if ! (cd _posts; git diff-index --quiet origin/posts); then
  echo "posts are out of sync (skipping tag maintenance)"
  exit 0

Generating tag feeds

In order to prevent stale tags, we need to delete and regenerate all the tag feeds. Cleaning up the existing tag feeds is taken care of by the cleantagfeeds script:

echo "cleaning tag feeds"

Which is really just a wrapper for the following find commands:


# Delete tag feeds unless there is a `.keep` file in the
# same directory.
find tag/* -name index.xml \
  -execdir sh -c 'test -f .keep || rm -f index.xml' \;
find tag/* -type d -delete

This will preserve any tag feeds that have a corresponding .keep file (just in case we’ve done something special that requires manual intervention) and deletes everything else.

Generating the tag feeds is taken care of by the gentagfeeds script:

echo "generating tag feeds"

This is a Python program that iterates over all the files in _posts, reads in the YAML frontmatter from each one, and then generates a feed file for each tag using a template.

Finally, we need to add any changes to the repository. We unilaterally add the tags/ directory:

git add -A tag

And then see if that got us anything:

if ! git diff-index --quiet HEAD -- tag; then
  git commit -m 'automatic tag update' tag

At this point, we’ve regenerated all the tag feeds and committed any new or modified tag feeds to the repository, which will get published to GitHub as part of the current push operation.

The actual feed templates look like this:

layout: rss
exclude: true
  - {{tag}}

I’m using a modified version of gh-pages-blog in which I have modified _layouts/rss.xml to optionally filter posts by tag using the following template code:

{% raw %} . . . {% for p in site.posts %} {% if page contains ’tags’ %} {% assign selected = false %} {% for t in p.tags %} {% if page.tags contains t %} {% assign selected = true %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}

      {% if selected == false %}
      {% continue %}
      {% endif %}
    {% endif %}

{% endraw %}

For each post on the site (site.posts), this checks for any overlap between the tags in the post and the tags selected in the tag feed. While the automatic feeds use only a single tag, this also makes it possible to create feeds that follow multiple tags.

All of the code used to implement this is available in the GitHub repository for this blog.