This is just here as a reminder for me:

An OVS interface has a variety of attributes associated with it, including an external-id field that can be used to associate resources outside of OpenVSwitch with the interface. You can view this field with the following command:

$ ovs-vsctl --columns=name,external-ids list Interface

Which on my system, with a single virtual instance, looks like this:

# ovs-vsctl --columns=name,external-ids list Interface
name                : "qvo519d7cc4-75"
external_ids        : {attached-mac="fa:16:3e:f7:75:b0", iface-id="519d7cc4-7593-4944-af7b-4056436f2d66", iface-status=active, vm-uuid="0330b084-03db-4d42-a231-2cd6ad89515b"}

Note the information contained here:

  • attached-mac is the MAC address of the device attached to this interface.
  • vm-uuid is the libvirt UUID for the instance attached to this interface…
  • …which also happens to be the Nova UUID for the instance.

So we can pass that UUID to virsh dumpxml:

$ virsh dumpxml 0330b084-03db-4d42-a231-2cd6ad89515b
<domain type='kvm' id='150'>
  <memory unit='KiB'>6144000</memory>
  <currentMemory unit='KiB'>6144000</currentMemory>
  <vcpu placement='static'>1</vcpu>

Or to nova show:

$ nova show 0330b084-03db-4d42-a231-2cd6ad89515b 
| Property                             | Value                                                    |
| OS-DCF:diskConfig                    | MANUAL                                                   |
| OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone          | nova                                                     |