Update 2019-05-09 Pull request #55816 has merged, so you can now use sudo with the docker connection driver even when sudo is configured to require a password.

I often use Docker to test out Ansible playbooks. While normally that works great, I recently ran into an unexpected problem with privilege escalation. Given a simple playbook like this:

- hosts: all
  gather_facts: false
  become: true
    - ping:

And an inventory like this:

    ansible_user: example
    ansible_connection: docker
      ansible_host: sudostuff_server1_1
      ansible_host: sudostuff_server2_1
      ansible_host: sudostuff_server3_1

And containers with sudo configured to require a password, Ansible would fail like this (note that I’ve configured Ansible to use the debug plugin for stdout_callback):

fatal: [server1]: FAILED! => {
    "changed": false,
    "rc": 1


See stdout/stderr for the exact error


We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System
Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things:

    #1) Respect the privacy of others.
    #2) Think before you type.
    #3) With great power comes great responsibility.

[sudo via ansible, key=rzrfiifcqoggklmehivtcrrlnnbphwbp] password:

In the above output, you’ll note that there are no actual errors, but unexpectedly we’re seeing the privilege escalation prompt show up in the stderr of the command. A quick search revealed bugs #31759 and #53385, both of which confirm that privilege escalation simply doesn’t work using the docker connection plugin.

Use the source, Luke

Discovering how the sausage is made...

Looking at the source, I was surprised: while Ansible has individual plugins for different privilege escalation methods, it is entirely up to the individual connection plugin to implement the logic necessary to make use of these mechanisms. I had expected privilege escalation support to be implemented in the base connection plugin (ConnectionBase in lib/ansible/plugins/connection/__init__.py), but it’s not. So while the ssh plugin has a fairly complex set of logic for handing the become prompt, and the local plugin had a relatively simple solution, the docker connection had none.

Fortunately, in many ways the docker plugin is almost identical to the local plugin, which means that rather than doing actual work I was able to largely cut-and-paste the privilege escalation support from the local plugin into the docker plugin. You can find this work in pull request #55816 .