Vortex Core Keyboard Review

Vortex Core Keyboard Review
I’ve had my eye on the Vortex Core keyboard for a few months now, and this past week I finally broke down and bought one (with Cherry MX Brown switches). The Vortex Core is a 40% keyboard, which means it consists primarily of letter keys, a few lonely bits of punctuation, and several modifier keys to activate different layers on the keyboard. Physical impressions It’s a really cute keyboard. I’m a big fan of MX brown switches, and this keyboard is really a joy to type on, at least when you’re working primarily with the alpha keys.
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Multiple 1-Wire Buses on the Raspberry Pi

Multiple 1-Wire Buses on the Raspberry Pi
The DS18B20 is a popular temperature sensor that uses the 1-Wire protocol for communication. Recent versions of the Linux kernel include a kernel driver for this protocol, making it relatively convenient to connect one or more of these devices to a Raspberry Pi or similar device. 1-Wire devices can be daisy chained, so it is possible to connect several devices to your Pi using only a single GPIO pin, and you’ll find many articles out there that describe how to do so.
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I2C on the Raspberry Pi

I’ve set up my Raspberry Pi to communicate with my Arduino via I2C. The Raspberry Pi is a 3.3v device and the Arduino is a 5v device. While in general this means that you need to use a level converter when connecting the two devices, you don’t need to use a level converter when connecting the Arduino to the Raspberry Pi via I2C. The design of the I2C bus is such that the only device driving a voltage on the bus is the master (in this case, the Raspberry Pi), via pull-up resistors.
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Interrupt driven GPIO with Python

There are several Python libraries out there for interacting with the GPIO pins on a Raspberry Pi: RPi.GPIO The WiringPi bindings for Python, and The Quick2Wire Python API (which depends on Python 3) All of them are reasonably easy to use, but the Quick2Wire API provides a uniquely useful feature: epoll-enabled GPIO interrupts. This makes it trivial to write code that efficiently waits for and responds to things like button presses.
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Controlling a servo with your Arduino

I’ve recently started playing with an Arduino kit I purchased a year ago (and only just now got around to unboxing). I purchased the kit from SparkFun, and it includes a motley collection of resistors, LEDs, a motor, a servo, and more. I was fiddling around with this exercise, which uses the SoftwareServo library to control a servo. Using this library, you just pass it an angle and the library takes care of everything else, e.
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