In this post I’m going to step through an example web chat system implemented in Python (with Bottle and gevent) that uses long polling to implement a simple publish/subscribe mechanism for efficiently updating connected clients.

My pubsub_example repository on GitHub has a complete project that implements the ideas discussed in this article. This project can be deployed directly on OpenShift if you want to try things out on your own. You can also try it out online at

What is long polling?

Long polling is a technique used in web applications to enable a low-latency response to server messages without the CPU or traffic overhead of high frequency polling.

A client makes a request to the web server, but rather than responding immediately the server holds the connection (for a potentially lengthy time), and only response when data is available. The client will react to this data and then restart the poll and wait for more data.

Long polling with Jquery

I’ve opted to use jquery as part of my client-side implementation, because I’ve used it a little in the past and it simplifies things a great deal.

There are a number of articles out there that describe the client-side implementation of long polling using jquery. This article from Seventh Octave gives what is a typical example:

(function poll(){
    url: "/poll",
    success: function (data) {
    dataType: "json",
    complete: poll,
    timeout: 30000

This defines a function poll() that gets called automatically. Because I’m not a JavaScript person it took me a moment to figure out exactly how that worked. So that you are less mysified than I: The basic structure of this function is:

(function poll() {...})();

Since the function keyword returns a value (a reference to the defined function), we can call that reference immediately. This construct is entirely equivalent to:

function poll() {...}

When called, it fires off an asynchronous AJAX request to /poll on our server. If the server sends a response, the browser will call the function in the success attribute, which will presumably do something useful with the response data.

It’s important not to gloss over the fact that the ajax method is called asynchronously. The poll() function returns immediately when it is called, allowing your client to continue processing your script(s).

The callable in the complete attribute will be called at the end of the AJAX request, regardless of whether or not the request was successful. The use of the timeout attribute ensures that this code will not poll more frequently than once every 30 seconds (this helps prevent the code from monopolizing the CPU by polling too frequently if an error is causing the AJAX request to return immediately).

A simple web page

Our chat application is going be built around a very simple web page with two fields (one for a “nickname”, and one for entering messages to send) and a container for printing messages received from the server. Stripped of headers and extraneous content, it looks like this:

<form id="chatform">
        <label for="nick">Nickname:</label>
        <input id="nick" size="10" />
        <label for="message">message:</label>
        <input id="message" size="40" />
        <button id="send">Send</button>

<hr />

<div id="conversation"></div>

It doesn’t get much simpler than that.

We’ll use jquery to attach JavaScript functions to various actions using constructs such as the following, which attaches the send_message to the click event on an element with id send:


Attaching functions this way, rather than using onclick= attributes in our HTML, helps keep the HTML simple.

Making things go

For this simple application, our client is going to need to implement two basic operations:

  • Sending messages from the user to the server, and
  • Receiving messages from the server and displaying them to the user.

Polling for new messages is implemented using a function that looks very much like the sample shown above. The final code looks like this:

function poll() {
        var poll_interval=0;

                url: poll_url,
                type: 'GET',
                dataType: 'json',
                success: function(data) {
                error: function () {
                complete: function () {
                        setTimeout(poll, poll_interval);

Upon successfully receiving a message from the server this starts poll() again immediately, but in the event of an error this code waits one second (1000 ms) before initiating a new poll.

The display_message function simply updates a <div> element using the data supplied by the server:

function display_message(data) {
        $("#conversation").append("<p><span class='nick'>"
                                 + (data['nick'] ? data['nick'] : "&lt;unknown&gt;")
                                 + "</span>: " + data['message'] + "</p>");
                                 $("#conversation").each(function () {
                                         this.scrollTop = this.scrollHeight;

Sending messages is even simpler; we just make a one-off AJAX request to send the message to the server:

function send_message() {
                url: '/pub',
                type: 'POST',
                dataType: 'json',
                data: {
                        nick: $("#nick").val(),
                        message: $("#message").val(),
                complete: function () {

This reads the value of the nick and message fields in our HTML document and then posts the message to the server.

The complete JavaScript code can be found online as pubsub.js.

Making Bottle asynchronous

I generally lean on Bottle when writing simple Python web applications. It’s simple to work with, but Bottle’s native server is single-threaded, which makes it ill suited to a long-poll scenario: when one request is active, all other connections will block until the first request has been serviced. You can test this out yourself with the following simple webapp:

import time
import bottle

def default():
    data = [ 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four' ]
    for d in data:
        yield d

def main():

if __name__ == '__main__':

Open two simultaneous connections to this application. In two dfferent windows, run the following command at approximately the same time:

curl --trace-ascii /dev/stderr http://localhost:9090

You’ll see that one will block with no activity until the first completes.

Fortunately, there are a number of solutions to this issue. I opted to use Bottle’s support for gevent, an asynchronous networking library that includes a WSGI server. Using Bottle’s gevent support is easy; the above code, using the gevent server, would look like this:

import time

from gevent import monkey; monkey.patch_all()
import bottle

def default():
    data = [ 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four' ]
    for d in data:
        yield d

def main():, server="gevent")

if __name__ == '__main__':

The monkey.patch_all routine in the above code is necessary to patch a number of core Python libraries to work correctly with gevent.

If you re-run the curl --trace-ascii ... test from earlier, you’ll see that this webapp will now service multiple requests simultaneously.

Writing the server: receiving messages

The server needs to perform two basic operations:

  • Receive a message from one client, and
  • Broadcast that message to all connected clients.

Receiving a message is easy (we’re just grabbing some data from a POST request), but how do we handle the broadcast aspect of things? In this application, I opted to use 0MQ, a communication library that has been described as “sockets on steroids”. In this case, two features of 0MQ are particularly attractive:

Note that while you would normally import the Python 0MQ module like this:

import zmq

When working with gevent you must do this instead:

from zmq import green as zmq

This imports the “green” version of 0MQ, which uses non-blocking operations compatible with gevent.

We’ll start by creating a global 0MQ PUB socket (called pubsock) that will be used as one end of our in-process message bus:

ctx = zmq.Context()
pubsock = ctx.socket(zmq.PUB)

With this in place, the code for receiving messages is trivial:

@app.route('/pub', method='POST')
def pub():
    global pubsock

        'message': bottle.request.params.get('message'),
        'nick': bottle.request.params.get('nick'),
    return {'status': 'sent'}

We grab the message and nick parameters from a POST request and publish a JSON message onto the message bus.

Writing the server: sending messages

Having received a message from a client, our task is to send that message out to all connected clients. Each client connected to our server will be polling the /sub endpoint for messages. A simple implementation of /sub might look like this:

def sub():
    subsock = ctx.socket(zmq.SUB)
    subsock.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, '')
    msg = subsock.recv_json()
    return msg

This sets up a 0MQ SUB socket and connects it to the message bus that we established when we created pubsocket, earlier. Because we’re using 0MQ’s publish-and-subscribe support, any message sent on pubsocket will automatically be propagated to any connected subscribers.

When each client requests /sub, Bottle runs this function, which blocks waiting for messages on the message bus. When a message arrives, the function returns it to the client and exits. Note there’s a little bit of magic here: when a request handler returns a dictionary to Bottle, Bottle automatically serializes that as JSON before sending the response to the client.

Fixing things up

While the above code seems to work, there is a potential problem with the implementation: If a client that has been waiting on /sub disconnects, the sub function will continue to remain blocked on the call to subsock.recv_json. This means that the server will hold open the file descriptor associated with the connection. Once a message is received, the server will attempt to send a response, notice that the client has disconnected, and close the file descriptor. Given a large enough population of clients, the number of open file descriptors could run into system resource limits. In order to prevent this situation, we need to react to client disconnects…which means that now, instead of just blocking waiting for messages, we also need to wait for some notification that a client has disconnected.

In a traditional socket program, you might do this with something like the poll() or select() function. Since we’re using 0MQ…we’ll do exactly the same thing, which is one of the reasons 0MQ is fun to work with. We first need to figure out how to detect client disconnects. The WSGI specification doesn’t provide a standard way to expose the client socket to our application. However, inspection of the WSGI environment (in bottle.request.environ reveals that the wsgi.input member contains an rfile attribute, which is exactly what we need. With that in hand, we set up a polling object to listen for activity on either the message bus or on the client socket:

rfile = bottle.request.environ['wsgi.input'].rfile

poll = zmq.Poller()
poll.register(subsock, zmq.POLLIN)
poll.register(rfile, zmq.POLLIN)

And now we can block waiting for either event:

events = dict(poll.poll())

# This means the client has disconnected.
if rfile.fileno() in events:

# If we get this far it's because there's a message
# available.
msg = subsock.recv_json()
return msg

Finishing up

Those are pretty much all the parts necessary to implement a simple publish/subscribe web application in Python. You can see all the parts put together into a functioning project in the pubsub_example repository, and you can try out the running code at The code in the repository is slightly more complete than the snippets presented in this article.

If you encounter any problems with the code (or this article), or if I’ve gotten something terribly wrong, please open a new issue here.