This is the second in a loose sequence of articles looking at new features in Ansible 2.0. In the previous article I looked at the Docker connection driver. In this article, I would like to provide an overview of the new-and-much-improved suite of modules for interacting with an OpenStack environment, and provide a few examples of their use.

In versions of Ansible prior to 2.0, there was a small collection of OpenStack modules. There was the minimum necessary to boot a Nova instance:


And a collection of modules for interacting with Neutron (previously Quantum):


While functional, these modules did not provide very comprehensive coverage of even basic OpenStack services, and they suffered from having a great deal of duplicated code (which made ensuring consistent behavior across all the modules more difficult). The behavior of these modules was not always what you would expect (e.g., the nova_compute module would return information in different forms depending on whether it had to create an instance or not).

Throwing Shade

The situation is much improved in Ansible 2.0, which introduces a new suite of OpenStack modules in which the common code has been factored out into the Shade project, a Python package that provides a simpler interface to OpenStack than is available using the native clients. Collecting this code in one place will help ensure both that these Ansible modules share consistent behavior and that they are easier to maintain.

There are modules for managing Keystone:










Neutron and Nova Networking:


and Swift:



Shade uses the os-client-config library to configure authentication credentials for your OpenStack environment.

In the absence of any authentication information provided in your Ansible playbook, these modules will attempt to use the standard suite of OS_* variables (OS_USERNAME, OS_PASSWORD, etc). This is fine for testing, but you usually want to provide some sort of authentication configuration in your Ansible environment.

You can provide credentials directly in your plays by providing an auth argument to any of the modules. For example:

- os_image:
      auth_url: http://openstack.local:5000/v2.0
      username: admin
      password: secret
      project_name: admin

But that can get complicated, especially if you are maintaining multiple sets of credentials. The shade library allows you to manage credentials in a file named (by default) clouds.yml, which shade searches for in:

  • The current directory
  • $HOME/.config/openstack/
  • /etc/xdg/openstack/
  • /etc/openstack

This file may contain credentials for one or more cloud environments, for example:

      auth_url: http://openstack.local:5000/v2.0
      username: admin
      password: secret
      project_name: admin

If you have the above in clouds.yml along with your playbook, the above os_image example can be rewritten as:

- os_image:
    cloud: testing

Return values

The new modules all return useful information about the objects they have created. For example, if you create a network using os_network and register that result:

- os_network:
    cloud: testing
    name: mynetwork
  register: mynetwork

You’ll get back a dictionary containing a top-level id attribute, which is the UUID of the created network, along with a network attribute containing a dictionary of information about the created object. The debug module is an excellent tool for exploring these return values. If we put the following in our playbook immediately after the above task:

- debug:
    var: mynetwork

We would get output that looks something like:

ok: [localhost] => {
    "changed": false, 
    "mynetwork": {
        "changed": true, 
        "id": "02b77e32-794a-4102-ab1b-1b90e6d4d92f", 
        "invocation": {
            "module_args": {
                "cloud": "testing", 
                "name": "mynetwork"
            "module_name": "os_network"
        "network": {
            "admin_state_up": true, 
            "id": "02b77e32-794a-4102-ab1b-1b90e6d4d92f", 
            "mtu": 0, 
            "name": "mynetwork", 
            "provider:network_type": "vxlan", 
            "provider:physical_network": null, 
            "provider:segmentation_id": 79, 
            "router:external": false, 
            "shared": false, 
            "status": "ACTIVE", 
            "subnets": [], 
            "tenant_id": "349a8b95c5ad4a3383149f65f8c44cff"


I have written a set of basic integration tests for these modules. I hope the pull request is merged, but even if not it provides an example of how to make use of many of these new modules.

I’d like to present a few brief examples here to give you a sense of what working with the new modules is like.

Uploading an image to Glance

The os_image module is used to upload an image to Glance. Assuming that you have file named cirros.qcow2 available locally, this will create an image named cirros in Glance:

- os_image:
    cloud: testing
    name: cirros
    state: present
    disk_format: qcow2
    container_format: bare
    filename: cirros.qcow2

Booting a Nova server

The os_server module, which is used for booting virtual servers (“instances”) in Nova, replaces the nova_compute module available in Ansible versions before 2.0:

- name: create a nova server
    cloud: testing
    name: myserver
    state: present
      - net-name: private
    image: cirros
    flavor: m1.small
    key_name: my_ssh_key

The nics parameter can accept net names, net ids, port names, and port ids. So you could also do this (assuming you were attaching your server to two different tenant networks):

  - net-id: c875770c-a20b-45b5-a9da-5aca97153053
  - net-name: private

The above examples are using a YAML list of dictionaries to provide the information. You can also pass in a comma-delimited key=value string, like this:

nics: net-name=private,net-name=database

This syntax is particular useful if you are running ad-hoc commands on the command line:

ansible localhost -m os_server -a '
  cloud=testing name=myserver nics=net-name=private
  image=cirros flavor=m1.small key_name=my_ssh_key'

Adding a Nova server to your Ansible inventory

I’d like to conclude this post with a longer example, that demonstrates how you can use the add_host module to add a freshly created server to your inventory, and then target that new server in your playbook. I’ve split up this playbook with commentary; in practice, the pre-formatted text in this section would all be in a single playbook (like this).

- hosts: localhost

This first task boots the server. The values for image, nics, and `key_name will need to be adjusted for your environment.

    - os_server:
        cloud: testing
        name: myserver
        image: centos-7-atomic
          - net-name: private
        flavor: m1.small
        key_name: lars
        auto_ip: true
      register: myserver

This debug entry simply shows us what values were returned in the myserver variable.

    - debug:
        var: myserver

Now we add the new host to our Ansible inventory. For this to work, you need to have assigned a floating ip to the server (either using auto_ip, as in this example, or by assigning one explicitly), and you need to be running this playbook somewhere that has a route to the floating ip address.

    - add_host:
        name: myserver
        groups: openstack
        ansible_host: "{{myserver.server.public_v4}}"
        ansible_user: centos
        ansible_become: true

Note that in the above play you can’t use information from the inventory because that new host won’t exist in the inventory until after this play completes.

We’ll need to wait for the server to finish booting and provisioning before we are able to target it with ansible. A typical cloud image is configured to run cloud-init when it boots, which will take care of a number of initial configuration tasks, including provisioning the ssh key we configured using os_server. Until this process is complete, we won’t have remote access to the server.

We can’t use the wait_for module because that will only check for an open port. Instead, we use a do-until loop to wait until we are able to successfully run a command on the server via ssh.

    - command: >
        ssh -o BatchMode=yes
        centos@{{myserver.server.public_v4}} true
      register: result
      until: result|success
      retries: 300
      delay: 5

Now that we have added the new server to our inventory we can target it in subsequent plays (such as this one):

- hosts: myserver

    - service:
        name: docker
        state: running
        enabled: true