I wrote earlier about systemd-nspawn, and how it can take much of the fiddly work out of setting up functional chroot environments. I’m a regular Ansible user, and I wanted to be able to apply some of those techniques to my playbooks.

Ansible already has a chroot module, of course, but for some situations – such as targeting an emulated chroot environment – that just means a lot of extra work. Using systemd-nspawn makes this trivial.

I’ve submitted #14334 to the Ansible project, which introduces a new connection driver named nspawn. It acts very much like the chroot driver, but it adds a few new configuration options:

  • ansible_nspawn_args – analagous to ansible_ssh_args, setting this will override the arguments that are passed to systemd-nspawn by default.

  • ansible_nspawn_extra_args – analgous to ansible_ssh_extra_args, setting this will append the values to the default systemd-nspawn command line.

Advantages over chroot

Let’s say we had a Fedora filesystem mounted on /fedora and we want to run the following playbook:

- hosts: /fedora
    - raw: dnf -y install python libselinux-python python2-dnf
    - dnf:
        name: git
        state: installed

Using the chroot driver, we get:

$ sudo ansible-playbook -i /fedora, -c chroot playbook.yml

PLAY ***************************************************************************

TASK [raw] *********************************************************************
fatal: [/fedora]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "failed": true, "rc": -6, "stderr": "Fatal Python error: Failed to open /dev/urandom\n", "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []}

Adding the necessary tasks to our playbook to set up the chroot environment properly will add a lot of additional complexity and will make the playbook substantially less generic. Now compare that to the result of running the same playbook using the nspawn driver:

$ sudo ansible-playbook -i /fedora, -c nspawn playbook.yml

PLAY ***************************************************************************

TASK [raw] *********************************************************************
ok: [/fedora]

TASK [dnf] *********************************************************************
changed: [/fedora]

PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
/fedora                       : ok=2    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0   

Ansible in emulation

By taking advantage of ansible_nspawn_extra_args you can create more complex containers. For example, in my last post on systemd-nspawn I showed how to start a container for a different architecture through the use of QEMU user-mode emulation. We can apply the same idea to Ansible with an inventory entry like this:

  ansible_nspawn_extra_args="--bind /usr/bin/qemu-arm"

The above will allow you to run a playbook against a filesystem containing ARM architecture binaries, even though you’re running on an x86_64 host.