On IRC – and other online communities – it is common to use a “pastebin” service to share snippets of code, logs, and other material, rather than pasting them directly into a conversation. These services will typically return a URL that you can share with others so that they can see the content in their browser.

One of my favorite pastebin services is termbin.com, because it works from the command line using tools you probably already have installed. Termbin runs the fiche service, which listens for TCP connections on port 9999, reads any content that you provide, and then returns a URL. For example, if I wanted to share my iptables configuration with someone I could just run:

$ iptables-save | nc termbin.com 9999

Visiting http://termbin.com/gjfp would show the output of that command.

It’s very convenient, but I found myself wondering: would it be possible to configure things such that a service like fiche could listen on any port?

I started by looking into raw sockets, but that turned out to be a terrible idea. The solution was actually much simpler: use an iptables REDIRECT rule to take all traffic to a given ip address and redirect it to the fiche service. This requires that you have a spare ip address to dedicate to this service, but it is otherwise very easy.

First, we start the fiche service:

$ ./fiche
[Fiche][STATUS] Starting fiche on Tue Feb 27 11:53:01 2018...
[Fiche][STATUS] Domain set to: http://example.com.
[Fiche][STATUS] Server started listening on port: 9999.

And we add an additional address to one of our network interfaces. I’m adding to eth0 on my local system:

$ sudo ip addr add dev eth0

Next, we create two firewall rules:

  • One in the nat PREROUTING table, which will intercept traffic from external systems:

      $ sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -d -j REDIRECT --to-ports 9999
  • One in the nat OUTPUT table, which will intercept any locally generated traffic:

      $ sudo iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp -d -j REDIRECT --to-ports 9999

These two rules will intercept any traffic – on any port – to and redirect it to the fiche service.

For example, using no port (nc on my system defaults to port 0):

$ echo hello | nc

And any other port works as well:

$ echo hello | nc 10

$ echo hello | nc 80

This solution will work with any TCP service. The service will need to be listening on INADDR_ANY (, because the REDIRECT rule rewrites the destination address to “the primary address of the incoming interface”.