This is the second of three posts about using gdb and simavr to debug AVR code. The complete series is:


In these posts, I will be referencing the code from my pipower project that I discussed in [an earlier post][pipower-post]. If you want to follow along, start by cloning that repository:

git clone

You’ll also want to be familiar with the attiny85 or a similar AVR microcontroller, since I’ll be referring to register names (like PORTB) without additional explanation.


In the first post on this topic, we looked at how one can use gdb and simavr to debug your attiny85 (or other AVR code) without flashing it to a device. In this post, I would like to extend that by looking at how we can automate some aspects of the debugging process.

Sending commands to gdb

In the previous post, we were entering commands into gdb manually. It is also possible to provide gdb with a script of commands to execute. Let’s assume we have a file that contains the following commands:

file pipower.elf
target remote :1234

There are a few different mechanisms available for passing these commands to gdb. Naively we can simply redirect stdin:

$ avr-gdb < commands.gdb
GNU gdb (GDB) 8.1
(gdb) Reading symbols from pipower.elf...done.
(gdb) Remote debugging using :1234
0x00000000 in __vectors ()
(gdb) Loading section .text, size 0xa54 lma 0x0
Loading section .data, size 0x6 lma 0xa54
Start address 0x0, load size 2650
Transfer rate: 1293 KB/sec, 31 bytes/write.
(gdb) quit
A debugging session is active.

        Inferior 1 [Remote target] will be detached.

Quit anyway? (y or n) [answered Y; input not from terminal]
Detaching from program: /home/lars/projects/pipower/sim/pipower.elf, Remote target

This will work fine in situations in which you expect gdb to run with no user interaction, but in this particular example, that makes our command file useless: while gdb does connect to simavr, it then exits immediately. This is where the --command (or -x) options comes in handy: that will read commands from a file and then return to the (gdb) prompt:

$ avr-gdb -x commands.gdb
GNU gdb (GDB) 8.1
0x00000000 in __vectors ()
Loading section .text, size 0xa54 lma 0x0
Loading section .data, size 0x6 lma 0xa54
Start address 0x0, load size 2650
Transfer rate: 1293 KB/sec, 31 bytes/write.

This allows us to preload our debugging session with commands and then continue with an interactive session. You can achieve something similar using the source command in gdb:

$ avr-gdb
GNU gdb (GDB) 8.1
(gdb) source commands.gdb
0x00000000 in __vectors ()
Loading section .text, size 0xa54 lma 0x0
Loading section .data, size 0x6 lma 0xa54
Start address 0x0, load size 2650
Transfer rate: 431 KB/sec, 31 bytes/write.

Conditional and temporary breakpoints

There are several different ways to set breakpoints in gdb. The simplest is the b command, which sets a breakpoint at the given location. This simple breakpoint will trigger whenever execution reaches the given line of code. We can influence this behavior by setting a breakpoint condition, such as:

b loop if state == STATE_POWEROFF2

This breakpoint will only trigger if the expression (state == STATE_POWEROFF2) evaluates to true.

Sometimes, we don’t want a persistent breakpoint: we want the code to stop once at a given point, and then continue executing afterwards without stopping again at the same place. We can accomplish this by setting a temporary breakpoint using the tb command. If we were to write the previous example like this…

tb loop if state == STATE_POWEROFF2

…then the code would stop once at the given breakpoint, but subsequently iterations of the loop would continue merrily on their way.

Defining new commands

The gdb scripting language permits us to create new commands with the define command. In the previous post, I simulated the passage of time by iterating through the main loop using a command such as c 100. This works, but isn’t particularly accurate and may make it difficult if one wants to run for a specific amount of time (for example, to run out a timer). We can define a new wait_for command that will let us wait for a given number of milliseconds:

# wait for <n> milliseconds
define wait_for
    disable 1
    set $start_time = now
    tb loop if now == $start_time + $arg0
    enable 1

The disable 1 at the beginning is disabling breakpoint 1, which we assume is the breakpoint created by running b loop as in the previous post. We re-enable the breakpoint at the end of the definition.

This takes advantage of the fact that the code in pipower.c is explicitly updating a variable call now with the output of the millis() command, which counts milliseconds since the microprocessor started. We can store the current value of that variable in a gdb variable by using the set command:

set $start_time = now

This allows us to create a temporary breakpoint with a break condition that makes use of that value:

tb loop if now == $start_time + $arg0

This breakpoint will activate when the global now variable is equal to the value we saved in $start_time + whatever was passed as an argument to the wait_for command.

Since commands can call other commands, we can use the new wait_for command to create a new command that simulates a button press. For our purposes, a “button press” means that PIN_POWER goes low for 100ms and then goes high. We can simulate that like this:

	define short_press
			set PINB=PINB & ~(1<<PIN_POWER)
			wait_for 100

Recall that c means continue, which will cause the code to continue running until it hits a breakpoint.

Automated testing: the script

Using everything discussed above, we can put together something like the simulate.gdb script included in the sim directory of the Pipower project.

We start by disabling pagination. This prevent gdb from stopping and asking us to “press return to continue”.

set pagination off

We load our binary and connect to the simulator:

file pipower.elf
target remote :1234

Next, we define a few helper functions to avoid repetitive code in the rest of the script:

## Helper functions

# wait for <n> milliseconds
define wait_for
    disable 1
    set $start_time = now
    tb loop if now == $start_time + $arg0
    enable 1

# simulate a short press of the power button
define short_press
    set PINB=PINB & ~(1<<PIN_POWER)
    wait_for 100
    set PINB=PINB | 1<<PIN_POWER

# log a message
define log
  printf "\n* %s\n", $arg0

# run until we reach the given state
define run_until_state
    disable 1
    tb loop if $arg0 == state
    enable 1

Prior to running the code, we a breakpoint on the loop() function:

## Execution starts here

# set an initial breakpoint at the start of loop() and advance the program
# to that point
b loop

And then start things running. This will stop at the top of loop():


In order to see how things are progressing as the script runs, let’s arrange to display the current value of the global state variable as well as the PORTB and PINB registers every time we hit a breakpoint:

# set up some information to display at each breakpoint
display state
display /t PORTB
display /t PINB

Now that our displays are setup, let’s run the code for a bit and then set PIN_USB high (this would indicate that external power is available to our device):

# let the code advance for 100ms
wait_for 100

# enable external power
log "setting PIN_USB"

We’ll use the run_until_state command that we defined earlier in the file to execute until we reach the STATE_BOOTWAIT1 state:

run_until_state STATE_BOOTWAIT1
wait_for 100

At this point, the code expects an attached Raspberry Pi to assert the BOOT signal by bringing PIN_BOOT low:

# assert BOOT
log "resetting PIN_BOOT"
set PINB=PINB & ~(1<<PIN_BOOT)
run_until_state STATE_BOOT

Once the Pi has booted successfully and provided the BOOT signal to our code, we enter the STATE_BOOT state. Let’s run in this state for a second…

## ...the pi has booted...
wait_for 1000

…and then simulate a press of the power button:

# request a shutdown by pressing the power button
log "pressing power button"

Our code sets PIN_SHUTDOWN high, which would signal to an attached Pi that it should begin the shutdown process. The code enters the STATE_SHUTDOWN1 state in which it waits for the Pi to signal successful shutdown by de-asserting BOOT by bringing PIN_BOOT high:

run_until_state STATE_SHUTDOWN1

# de-assert BOOT
wait_for 100
log "setting PIN_BOOT"

Once we receive the successful shutdown signal, the code enters the poweroff phase, during which it will wait TIMER_POWEROFF milliseconds before cutting the power. Let’s walk through the poweroff state transitions:

# step through state transitions until we reach
run_until_state STATE_POWEROFF0
run_until_state STATE_POWEROFF1
run_until_state STATE_POWEROFF2
log "entering idle mode"
run_until_state STATE_IDLE0
run_until_state STATE_IDLE1
run_until_state STATE_IDLE2

wait_for 100

And finally force the code to exit:

log "setting quit flag"
set state=STATE_QUIT


Automated testing: the output

Running that script produces the following output, which lets us see the state transitions and pin values as the code is running:

0x00000000 in __vectors ()
Loading section .text, size 0xa74 lma 0x0
Loading section .data, size 0x6 lma 0xa74
Start address 0x0, load size 2682
Transfer rate: 873 KB/sec, 31 bytes/write.
Breakpoint 1 at 0xb0: file ../pipower.c, line 116.

Breakpoint 1, loop () at ../pipower.c:116
116	    now = millis();
1: state = STATE_START
2: /t PORTB = 10001
3: /t PINB = 10001
Temporary breakpoint 2 at 0xb0: file ../pipower.c, line 116.

Temporary breakpoint 2, loop () at ../pipower.c:116
116	    now = millis();
1: state = STATE_IDLE2
2: /t PORTB = 10001
3: /t PINB = 10001

* setting PIN_USB
Temporary breakpoint 3 at 0xb0: file ../pipower.c, line 116.

Temporary breakpoint 3, loop () at ../pipower.c:116
116	    now = millis();
1: state = STATE_BOOTWAIT1
2: /t PORTB = 10101
3: /t PINB = 10111
Temporary breakpoint 4 at 0xb0: file ../pipower.c, line 116.

Temporary breakpoint 4, loop () at ../pipower.c:116
116	    now = millis();
1: state = STATE_BOOTWAIT1
2: /t PORTB = 10101
3: /t PINB = 10111

* resetting PIN_BOOT
Temporary breakpoint 5 at 0xb0: file ../pipower.c, line 116.

Temporary breakpoint 5, loop () at ../pipower.c:116
116	    now = millis();
1: state = STATE_BOOT
2: /t PORTB = 10101
3: /t PINB = 111
Temporary breakpoint 6 at 0xb0: file ../pipower.c, line 116.

Temporary breakpoint 6, loop () at ../pipower.c:116
116	    now = millis();
1: state = STATE_BOOT
2: /t PORTB = 10101
3: /t PINB = 111

* pressing power button
Temporary breakpoint 7 at 0xb0: file ../pipower.c, line 116.

Temporary breakpoint 7, loop () at ../pipower.c:116
116	    now = millis();
1: state = STATE_BOOT
2: /t PORTB = 10101
3: /t PINB = 110

Breakpoint 1, loop () at ../pipower.c:116
116	    now = millis();
1: state = STATE_BOOT
2: /t PORTB = 10101
3: /t PINB = 111
Temporary breakpoint 8 at 0xb0: file ../pipower.c, line 116.

Temporary breakpoint 8, loop () at ../pipower.c:116
116	    now = millis();
1: state = STATE_SHUTDOWN1

2: /t PORTB = 11101
3: /t PINB = 1111
Temporary breakpoint 9 at 0xb0: file ../pipower.c, line 116.

Temporary breakpoint 9, loop () at ../pipower.c:116
116	    now = millis();
1: state = STATE_SHUTDOWN1
2: /t PORTB = 11101
3: /t PINB = 1111

* setting PIN_BOOT
Temporary breakpoint 10 at 0xb0: file ../pipower.c, line 116.

Temporary breakpoint 10, loop () at ../pipower.c:116
116	    now = millis();
1: state = STATE_POWEROFF0
2: /t PORTB = 11101
3: /t PINB = 11111
Temporary breakpoint 11 at 0xb0: file ../pipower.c, line 116.

Temporary breakpoint 11, loop () at ../pipower.c:116
116	    now = millis();
1: state = STATE_POWEROFF1
2: /t PORTB = 10101
3: /t PINB = 10111
Temporary breakpoint 12 at 0xb0: file ../pipower.c, line 116.

Temporary breakpoint 12, loop () at ../pipower.c:116
116	    now = millis();
1: state = STATE_POWEROFF2
2: /t PORTB = 10101
3: /t PINB = 10111

* entering idle mode
Temporary breakpoint 13 at 0xb0: file ../pipower.c, line 116.

Temporary breakpoint 13, loop () at ../pipower.c:116
116	    now = millis();
1: state = STATE_IDLE0
2: /t PORTB = 10001
3: /t PINB = 10011
Temporary breakpoint 14 at 0xb0: file ../pipower.c, line 116.

Temporary breakpoint 14, loop () at ../pipower.c:116
116	    now = millis();
1: state = STATE_IDLE1
2: /t PORTB = 10001
3: /t PINB = 10011
Temporary breakpoint 15 at 0xb0: file ../pipower.c, line 116.

Temporary breakpoint 15, loop () at ../pipower.c:116
116	    now = millis();
1: state = STATE_IDLE2
2: /t PORTB = 10001
3: /t PINB = 10011

* setting quit flag
main () at ../pipower.c:280
280	    while (state != STATE_QUIT) {
1: state = STATE_QUIT
2: /t PORTB = 10001
3: /t PINB = 10011