The folks at Seeed Studio have just released the Grove Beginner Kit for Arduino, and they asked if I would be willing to take a look at it in exchange for a free kit. At first glance it reminds me of the Radio Shack (remember when they were cool?) electronics kit I had when I was a kid – but somewhat more advanced. I’m excited to take a closer look, but given shipping these days means it’s probably a month away at least.

An interesting feature of the kit is that while everything is hardwired together (so you can use it “out of the box” without any jumper wires, etc), most of the components can be snapped out so that they can be used on their own. Once separated, components can be connected using a Grove connector on each piece.

The kit includes:

  • A LED
  • A buzzer
  • A 0.96" OLED Display 0.96"
  • A button
  • A rotary potentiometer
  • A light
  • A sound sensor
  • A DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor
  • A BMP280 air pressure sensor
  • A 3LIS3DHTR 3-axis accelerometer
  • A Seeduino Lotus

It seems like an interesting mix of sensors for someone just getting started with Arduino programming. I’ll let you know how it looks in practice as soon as it arrives.