Editing a commit message without git rebase

While working on a pull request I will make liberal use of git rebase to clean up a series of commits: squashing typos, re-ordering changes for logical clarity, and so forth. But there are some times when all I want to do is change a commit message somewhere down the stack, and I was wondering if I had any options for doing that without reaching for git rebase. It turns out the answer is “yes”, as long as you have a linear history.
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Object storage with OpenShift Container Storage

Object storage with OpenShift Container Storage
OpenShift Container Storage (OCS) from Red Hat deploys Ceph in your OpenShift cluster (or allows you to integrate with an external Ceph cluster). In addition to the file- and block- based volume services provided by Ceph, OCS includes two S3-api compatible object storage implementations. The first option is the Ceph Object Gateway (radosgw), Ceph’s native object storage interface. The second option called the “Multicloud Object Gateway”, which is in fact a piece of software named Noobaa, a storage abstraction layer that was acquired by Red Hat in 2018.
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Remediating poor PyPi performance with DevPi

Performance of the primary PyPi service has been so bad lately that it’s become very disruptive. Tasks that used to take a few seconds will now churn along for 15-20 minutes or longer before completing, which is incredibly frustrating. I first went looking to see if there was a PyPi mirror infrastructure, like we see with CPAN for Perl or CTAN for Tex (and similarly for most Linux distributions). There is apparently no such beast,
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symtool: a tool for interacting with your SYM-1

symtool: a tool for interacting with your SYM-1
The SYM-1 is a 6502-based single-board computer produced by Synertek Systems Corp in the mid 1970’s. I’ve had one floating around in a box for many, many years, and after a recent foray into the world of 6502 assembly language programming I decided to pull it out, dust it off, and see if it still works. The board I have has a whopping 8KB of memory, and in addition to the standard SUPERMON monitor it has the expansion ROMs for the Synertek BASIC interpreter (yet another Microsoft BASIC) and RAE (the “Resident Assembler Editor”).
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To sleep or not to sleep?

To sleep or not to sleep?
Let’s say you have a couple of sensors attached to an ESP8266 running MicroPython. You’d like to sample them at different frequencies (say, one every 60 seconds and one every five minutes), and you’d like to do it as efficiently as possible in terms of power consumption. What are your options? If we don’t care about power efficiency, the simplest solution is probably a loop like this: import machine lastrun_1 = 0 lastrun_2 = 0 while True: now = time.
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