File reorganization

This is just a note that I’ve substantially changed how the post sources are organized. I’ve tried to ensure that I preserve all the existing links, but if you spot something missing please feel free to leave a comment on this post.
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New comment system

As long as I’m switching site generators, it seems like a good idea to refresh the comment system as well. I’ve been using Disqus for a while, since when I started it was one of the only games in town. There are now alternatives of different sorts, and one in particular caught my eye: Utterances uses GitHub issues for storing comments, which seems like a fantastic idea. That means that comments will finally be stored in the same place as the blog content, which I think is a happy state of affairs.
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New static site generator

I’ve switched my static site generator from Pelican to Hugo. I’ve tried to ensure that all the old links continue to work correctly, but if you notice anything missing or otherwise not working as intended, please let me know by opening an issue. Thanks!
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Pelican and theme update

I’ve just refreshed the version of Pelican used to generate this blog, along with the associated themes and plugins. It all seems to be working, but if you spot a problem feel free to drop me a line.
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