Debugging attiny85 code, part 2: Automating GDB with scripts

This is the second of three posts about using gdb and simavr to debug AVR code. The complete series is: Part 1: Using GDB A walkthrough of using GDB to manually inspect the behavior of our code. Part 2: Automating GDB with scripts Creating GDB scripts to automatically test the behavior of our code. Part 3: Tracing with simavr Using simavr to collect information about the state of microcontroller pins while our code is running.
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Debugging attiny85 code, part 3: Tracing with simavr

This is the third of three posts about using gdb and simavr to debug AVR code. The complete series is: Part 1: Using GDB A walkthrough of using GDB to manually inspect the behavior of our code. Part 2: Automating GDB with scripts Creating GDB scripts to automatically test the behavior of our code. Part 3: Tracing with simavr Using simavr to collect information about the state of microcontroller pins while our code is running.
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