Animating a map of Covid in the Northeast US

I recently put together a short animation showing the spread of Covid throughout the Northeast United States: I thought it might be interesting to walk through the process I used to create the video. The steps described in this article aren’t exactly what I used (I was dealing with data in a PostGIS database, and in the interests of simplicity I wanted instructions that can be accomplished with just QGIS), but they end up in the same place.
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Installing pyspatialite on Fedora

If you should find yourself wanting to install pyspatialite on Fedora – perhaps because you want to use the Processing plugin for QGIS – you will first need to install the following dependencies: gcc python-devel sqlite-devel geos-devel proj-devel python-pip redhat-rpm-config After which you can install pyspatialite using pip by running: CFLAGS=-I/usr/include pip install pyspatialite At this point, you should be able to use the “Processing” plugin.
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