Processing deeply nested JSON with jq streams

Processing deeply nested JSON with jq streams
I recently found myself wanting to perform a few transformations on a large OpenAPI schema. In particular, I wanted to take the schema available from the /openapi/v2 endpoint of a Kubernetes server and minimize it by (a) extracting a subset of the definitions and (b) removing all the description attributes. The first task is relatively easy, since everything of interest exists at the same level in the schema. If I want one or more specific definitions, I can simply ask for those by key.
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json-tools: cli for generating and filtering json

Interacting with JSON-based APIs from the command line can be difficult, and OpenStack is filled with REST APIs that consume or produce JSON. I’ve just put pair of tools for generating and filtering JSON on the command line, called collectively json-tools. Both make use of the Python dpath module to populate or filter JSON objects. The jsong command generates JSON on stdout. You provide /-delimited paths on the command line to represent the JSON structure.
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