Heat-kubernetes Demo with Autoscaling

Next week is the Red Hat Summit in Boston, and I’ll be taking part in a Project Atomic presentation in which I will discuss various (well, two) options for deploying Atomic into an OpenStack environment, focusing on my heat-kubernetes templates. As part of that presentation, I’ve put together a short demonstration video: This shows off the autoscaling behavior available with recent versions of these templates (and also serves as a very brief introduction to working with Kubernetes).
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Diagnosing problems with an OpenStack deployment

Diagnosing problems with an OpenStack deployment
I recently had the chance to help a colleague debug some problems in his OpenStack installation. The environment was unique because it was booting virtualized aarch64 instances, which at the time did not have any PCI bus support…which in turn precluded things like graphic consoles (i.e., VNC or SPICE consoles) for the Nova instances. This post began life as an email summarizing the various configuration changes we made on the systems to get things up and running.
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Installing nova-docker with devstack

This is a long-form response to this question, and describes how to get the nova-docker driver up running with devstack under Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty). I wrote a similar post for Fedora 21, although that one was using the RDO Juno packages, while this one is using devstack and the upstream sources. Getting started We’ll be using the Ubuntu 14.04 cloud image (because my test environment runs on OpenStack). First, let’s install a few prerequisites:
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Installing nova-docker on Fedora 21/RDO Juno

This post comes about indirectly by a request on IRC in #rdo for help getting nova-docker installed on Fedora 21. I ran through the process from start to finish and decided to write everything down for posterity. Getting started I started with the Fedora 21 Cloud Image, because I’m installing onto OpenStack and the cloud images include some features that are useful in this environment. We’ll be using OpenStack packages from the RDO Juno repository.
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Filtering libvirt XML in Nova

I saw a request from a customer float by the other day regarding the ability to filter the XML used to create Nova instances in libvirt. The customer effectively wanted to blacklist a variety of devices (and device types). The consensus seems to be “you can’t do this right now and upstream is unlikely to accept patches that implement this behavior”, but it sounded like an interesting problem, so… https://github.com/larsks/nova/tree/feature/xmlfilter This is a fork of Nova (Juno) that includes support for an extensible filtering mechanism that is applied to the generated XML before it gets passed to libvirt.
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